AMBER OPTICS 太陽護目鏡(太陽鏡) |
54276A 碳纖維鏡框 Carbon Fiber Frame / Black matte. |
54268A 合金鏡框 Alloy Frame / Special technology proceeding the frame insert lenses. |
54262 Clip-ons 夾式 | 87598A 高級白銅合金框 Nickel Silver Alloy Frame |
SUN BLOCK LENSES Cut 100% of ultra-violet ray, block blue light reduce the reflection, releve from glare and hazy vision. |
Blue light has been likened to radio or TV sound interference by optical scientists and has been referred to as visual "noise" Par Particles of dust and moisture in the atmos atmosphere diffuse or scatter this blue light, seriously interfering with the eye's ability to perceive objects clearly, especially at distances. In much the same way as an electronic filter blocks out the unwanted interference that distorts and blurs voices and music (and shows up as "snow" on TV screens), PROVIEW(R) AMBER OPTICS lenses block out this visual "noise". As a result, the green and red portions of the light spectrum focus notably clearer and sharper on the eye's retina. Consequently, your visual perception and perspective increase. Distant objects previously unnoticed come into view. And, yes, everything appears more distinctly clear and better defined. |